


Journal of the Botanical Society of Bengal

1. Half-yearly

2. Present Volume 71, No.1 & 2, 2017

3. Upcoming volume 72 , Nos. 1 & 2, In press

4. Papers are invited on different branches of Plant Sciences.

4. Two hard copies of each manuscript should be typed in ‘Times New Roman’ front with ample margins, one and half spaced and in double column (except the portion containing the title, authors’ names and addresses, abstract, and key words), shall be sent to the Editor along with a CD in following formats: for text Microsoft Word, for tables Excel format, and for figures JPG or TIF format. Both CD and hard copies should be complete, matches one another, and be perfect for an early publication.

The title of papers should explain authors' objectives. Papers should be written in lucid English and must contain relevant information to explain results, and are subdivided as follows: i) Abstract, ii) Key words, iii) Introduction, iv) Material and Method, v) Results, vi) Discussion, vii)Acknowledgement, if any, viii) References. In case of descriptive articles other subdivisions may be permitted.

The number of illustrations and tables should be kept to minimum. Photograph may be minimized to fit one column. If there is more than one photographs in a plate, they should be clear and of same intensity. If necessary, hand-drawing with India ink, on a Bristol board should be made. Appropriate position of tables and figures should be indicated in the hard copies. A current issue of the journal or the World List of the Scientific Periodicals may be consulted for this purpose.

Plant names must conform to the International Code Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants (ICN) and be in italics. When a name is first cited, the complete scientific name with author citation is desirable. Later, genus initial may be used followed by species name.

Abbreviations should be used sparingly. Standard chemical symbols are accepted. However, when an abbreviation is first used the full term shall be mentioned with the abbreviation within parentheses.

The number of the figures, photographs and the title of the paper should be written on the back of each figure and photograph. In calculating the degree of reduction of the figures, authors should keep in mind the column,-size (7.5 cm) as well the page-size (16.25 cm x 20 cm) of the journal. Tables and figures should be numbered in Arabic and submitted in separate sheets. Tables concerning experiments should have brief legends containing description of the experiments so that data are intelligible to the readers. Legends of figures shall also be submitted in a separate sheet.

Proofs of the articles if sent to the authors the same must be returned to the Editor within seven days of receiving the proof. Corrections at the proof stage involving deviations from the text are not permissible and chargeable to the authors. The authors will receive 25 copies of reprints @Rs 300 per page. Demand for additional copies of reprints should be made at the time of returning the proofs or earlier. The order for additional copies should accompany by an advance payment.

Publication: Journal of the Botanical Society of Bengal is a peer reviewed journal and published bi-annually and issued usually during June and December of each year.

Subscription : All communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Botanical Society of Bengal, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, 35 Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata-700019 India. The subscription price is Rs 1,000.00 per volume (two numbers in a year) in India, including ordinary book-post charge. The subscription for foreign countries is US $ 500.00 per volume, including air-mail charges.

Copyright and Permission : Authors submitting a manuscript for publication in the Journal of the Botanical Society of Bengal do the same on condition that if it is published in the Journal, exclusive copyright of the paper shall be assigned to the Botanical Society of Bengal. The society will not put any limitation on the personal freedom of the author to use materials published in the paper in his/her further work with due references.

Mail all your orders including back volumes and special issue to : Secretary / Business Manager, Botanical Society of Bengal, 35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata-700019.West Bengal, India.
Ten per cent discount is allowed to Book Sellers only with Postage and Packing Charges extra.
For subscription, all communication should be addressed to the Secrtetary/Business Manager at the above address.


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